It was organized by The Students’ Welfare Board and Institute of Architecture and Planning at Nirma University, was a commendable display of sportsmanship, teamwork, and enthusiasm. The tournament took place on October 30-31, 2023, and it featured participation from various institutes under Nirma University.
The tournament saw the enthusiastic participation of eight institutes, each competing in various categories, including Singles, Doubles, and Mix Doubles. The participating teams were: ITNU, ICNU, IPNU, IMNU, IAPNU, IDNU, ISNU, UNIVERSITY
The extraordinary sportsmanship and respect displayed by all of the students and staff members from the participating institutes was one of the tournament’s most outstanding features. Participants had the chance to show off their passion for the game and their respect for one another in addition to engaging in intense competition.
Special recognition should go to the Institute of Architecture and Planning, the event’s organiser, for their careful preparation and execution. They successfully managed all matches, ensuring a smooth and injury-free tournament. The support provided by volunteers was noteworthy, making the tournament a seamless experience for both players and spectators. The success of the tournament was greatly aided by the outstanding commitment and performance of Prof. Biswanath and his sports coordinator team.
The tournament’s integrity was maintained thanks to the presence of two experienced umpires: Mr. Ashwin Panchal – A National Umpire, his expertise and fair judgment contributed to the smooth conduct of the matches. Mr. Ajay Patel – An International Umpire, his presence added an extra layer of professionalism and ensured that the tournament met international standards.
The Nirma University Inter Institute Table Tennis Tournament 2023 was a great success in terms of competition as well as building a culture of cooperation, respect, and sportsmanship among the institutes. It was evidence of the players’ outstanding play, the umpires’ professionalism, and the organising team’s commitment. Without a doubt, this occasion enhanced Nirma University’s athletic culture and will go down in history as a turning point for table tennis there.