- To prepare graduates who will be successful professionals in industry, government, academia, research, entrepreneurial pursuit and consulting firms.
- To prepare graduates who will contribute to society as broadly educated, expressive, ethical and responsible citizens with proven expertise.
- To prepare graduates who will achieve peer-recognition; as an individual or in a team; through demonstration of good analytical, design and implementation skills.
- To prepare graduates who will thrive to pursue life-long learning to fulfill their goals.
- Ability to apply knowledge of Art, science and technology in practice.
- Ability to identify, critically analyze, formulate and solve Design problems.
- Ability to select appropriate technology and techniques and use them with dexterity.
- Ability to design a system and process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as health, safety, security and environment.
- Ability to devise and conduct exploration, analyze data and provide well informed conclusions in design process.
- Ability to understand the impact of global change, in a contemporary, economical, environmental, and societal context for sustainable development.
- Ability to function professionally with ethical response ability as an individual as well as in multidisciplinary teams with positive attitude.
- Ability to communicate and express effectively.
- Ability to appreciate the importance of goal setting and to recognize the need for life-long learning.
- To produce well informed socially responsible global citizen with sharp critical thinking skills having sound awareness about professional practice, planning, management, Building byelaws, ethics and values. They will have entrepreneurial spirit.
- Equipped with professional architectural knowledge.
- Competent in design and development.
- Proficient in conducting site Investigation and analysis.
- Good at Modern Technology Usage.
- Emphasises on Environment Sustainability concerns.
- Ethical.
- Efficient in coordination with consultants.
- Good at communication.
- The programme follows modern dynamic curriculum with wide range of courses.
- Wide range of electives nurture interests of students.
- Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking.
- Hands on practical experience is imparted through workshops.
- Scholarship are given to meritorious students.
- The Institute is equipped with State-of-the-art Material lab, Climate Lab and Computer lab.
- The Institute has academically strong core faculties with diverse background.
- Expert lectures and seminars by professionals and academicians are regularly organised.
B.Arch Programme Structure
The matrix of Course structure having ten semesters is made up of following “Areas”
- Basic Design
- Architectural Graphic Skills
- Design
- Humanities
- History
- Theory & Criticism
- Hand skills
- Computer base skills
- Building Material
- Construction
- Technology
- Services & Structure
- Professional Practice
- Office/field Training
- Environmental Science
- Sustainability
- Related Study Program (RSP)/ Electives/ Communication Skills

The studio space is a soul space for Institute of Architecture and Planning as the learning at the institute is centered around a studio. The purpose of a studio is beyond a mere classroom as apart from the lectures and project work, a lot of hands on work – “learning by doing” takes place in a studio space. Studios are large spaces where design work can happen and students can engage beyond instructional time and faculty guidance.
There are a total of 9 studios for BArch programme. Each studio is around 120 sq. Mts. in size and connected to a corridor and a courtyard in the centre. The studios are designed to allow maximum natural light and ventilation in the working space. The large open space in front of each studio is an engine for productive discourse. The design reviews and class discussions take place in this space.
The students are given a large working space with a drafting board and a sharing working space between two students where they build their models and discuss their projects. Each student’s space is equipped with a personal tack board, light, plug points and locker facility. The studio is a very comfortable space for students to work for longer hours and indulge in one to one discussion to stimulate their creativity.