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World Habitat Day Celebration

World Habitat Day celebration by IAPNU on October 10, 2019

The Institute of Architecture and Planning celebrated World Habitat Day
on October 10, 2019. This day reflects on the state of our towns and cities, and
on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The day is also intended to remind
the world that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of
our cities and towns.

The Institute invited Ar Vinod Gupa and Ar Lalit Kishor Bhati as Chief
Guests for the occasion. Ar Vinod Gupta, a well known Architect and
Academician, has been in the forefront of the green/energy efficient building
movement in India and is also a member of the Technical Advisory Committee
for GRIHA- The National Green Building Rating System. He is also a founder
member of Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats
(ADaRSH). In his speech addressing faculty members and students, he talked
about how architects can contribute towards sustainable design by adopting a
more sensitive approach considering various sustainable principles. He
presented many of his projects where he could succeed in implementing some
of the sustainable principles.

Ar Lalit Kishor Bhati is an Urban Planner who has been associated with
Auroville’s Town Planning office as a consultant since 1998. In his speech, he
talked about evolution of Auroville from being a water scarce barren land to a
land which overcame hurdles and became an epitome of sustainable design and
living. He also mentioned about how Auroville gave him an opportunity to
experience a wholesome living environment with interconnectedness of self and
society and helped evolve a holistic perspective of life, offering him a wide
canvas to explore and to learn.