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Earn While You Learn

Earn While You Learn

With an objective to give students hands-on-experience and develop them for future job, and to encourage them for diversification of activities beyond syllabus, ‘Earn while you learn scheme’ is introduced for meritorious and needy students enrolled under the Nirma University. The applications are invited at the start of an academic year. The incumbent student is given work in the areas including Library (arrangement and display of books, issue and return of books, etc), Laboratory (equipment handling, maintenance, conduct of practical – only for postgraduate students), office administration especially the student section (data handling, data preparation, filing work, drafting work), or they are engaged as Teaching assistant (postgraduate students only). Students are required to maintain a good academic and conduct record for continuation of the scheme. In a week, maximum ten hours work can be assigned to the student and payment is calculated on hourly basis.

For Details contact :
Dr Utpal Sharma
Email Address