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Cities are engines of economic growth and development, socio-cultural and ethnic melting pots and dynamic integrated systems with their own logics. They are places with access to good quality education, health care facilities, sound infrastructure, communication and transport networks, social services and amenities and thereby, centres for opportunities and prosperity. At the same time modern cities and metropolises also face serious issues of housing shortage, degraded environmental qualities, poor living conditions, in access to basic services, unemployment, poverty, crime, congestion, etc. With rapid urbanization of the world and exponentially expanding cities, the world today faces formidable challenges of social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Developing economies like India are also witnessing emergence of mega cities and urban agglomerations with very high densities and haphazard urban growth. This has questioned our strategies for planning and providing for adequate and appropriate physical and social infrastructure for our cities. Increasing urban population due to rural-urban migration and population growth has led to rampant growth of squatter settlements and unsustainable living environments. Stress caused due to urbanization and industrialization has intensified depletion of natural resources, damage to eco-sensitive zones, anthropogenic climate risks, poor air and water quality, waste-disposal problems and high-energy consumption. In such a complex context, our cities need to undergo structural transformations to facilitate and accommodate inevitable urbanization and spatial expansion. At the same time cities also need to improvise and innovate while maintaining their historical legacy, geographical diversity, cultural variety and identity.

With over 68 % of the global population projected to be living in urban areas by 2050, the world is entering a future, which will be predominantly urban. Now more than ever before, urban planners, designers, architects, decision makers and other stakeholders are faced with the challenge of creating more resilient, sustainable and livable urban environments for today and future generations to come. ICFU’21 aims to create a platform for scholars, academics, practitioners and other experts from the field of Urban Planning, Urban Design, Technology and Architecture where cross-disciplinary emerging research and perspectives, issues and concerns related to the human living environment are shared and deliberated upon. We hope that this will be a small step towards creating a more sustainable, resilient and livable urban future for all of us.

In this awake the conference calls for papers and abstract from scholars, academics, practitioners and other experts. All selected papers will be published as ICFU’21 conference proceedings with ISBN number.

Selected peer reviewed papers will be published in a Scopus or Web of Science indexed edited volume.


Shri K. K. Patel
Vice President, Nirma University

Dr. Anup K. Singh
Director General, Nirma University


Prof. Utpal Sharma
Director, Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University

ICFU’21 aims to be a platform for scholars, academics,practitioners and other experts from the field of Urban Planning, Urban Design, Technology and Architecture where cross-disciplinary innovations, perspectives, issues, concerns,solutions and research can be shared and discussed.
By focusing on topics such as Liveability, Resilience, and Resource Conservation, ICFU’21 will strive to offer paradigms for sustainable urbanism. Furthermore, as urban issues are distinctly different in emerging economies, this calls for creation of context specific knowledge through empirical studies and practice-based evidence, which can be developed into conceptual and theoretical frameworks on urban sustainability. With such vision and conviction for an Urban Future, ICFU’21 invites original research papers for following themes:

This theme is majorly concerned with relationship between culture, social and spatial characteristics of built environment and communities. The health and well being of societies are also impacted due to an ever increasing population and overcrowding of the spaces. The conference calls for deliberations to improve the space, society and culture system for our future cities under following sub themes:

 a)  Responsive & Inclusive Neighbourhoods
b)  People, Place & Traditional Knowledge Systems
c)  Built Form & Quality of Living environment
d)  Cultural Identity of the Place
e)  Climate, Culture & Lifestyle
f)  Heritage and Tourism

Blue infrastructure refers to water elements, like rivers, canals, ponds, wetlands, floodplains, water treatment facilities, etc. Green infrastructure refers to trees, lawns, hedgerows, parks, fields, forests, etc. Blue and Green Infrastructure refers to an urban planning approach in which design of naturalistic or completely artificial infrastructures in the city is intended to allow the whole water system to work efficiently. This can improve the delivery of water related ecosystem services, as well as preventing harms like flooding and spread of contaminants.
conference call for deliberations under the following sub themes :

 a)  Design of Public Spaces
b)  Pedestrian Streets and Community
c)  Water Resources Management
d)  Decentralized Waste Management
e)  Nature Based Solution for Urban Infrastructure
f)  Climate Resilient Infrastructure

Environment refers to all the conditions that influence and affect the development and sustainability of life of all organisms present on the earth. Ecology is the study of inter-relationship of organisms with physical as well as biotic environments. It is important to have an under- standing of the surroundings as the survival of mankind is dependent on it. The continued increase of human population and intervention,e.g. deforestation, pollution, excess use of natural resources and pesticides has resulted in the destruction of the natural environment and has made people aware about the ecology and environment. This really impacts the city planning and future urban cities. The conference call for deliberations under following sub themes :

 a)  Climate Change and Urban Planning
b)  Urban Agriculture and Urban Forestry
c)  Environmental Pollution & Health Risk Assessment
d)  Ecology & Biodiversity
e)  Ecosystem Bases Approach to Planning
f)  Protection & Integration of Eco-Sensitive Areas

The ongoing pandemic has really impacted in all the spheres of life and has brought with it new set of learnings. The pandemic has not only raised a lot of issues on Environment and climate change but eventually at the same time it has raised a lot of concerns on city planning, Urban Design and Spatial planning of the residential neighbourhoods and the city and the region. The conference calls for various deliberations from various processionals across the globe to discuss various strategies in Urban Planning & Design to improve the planning and mobility systems for future urban cities. This conference calls for papers with wide range of focus as given below:

 a)  Density, Urban Form & Development Control Regulations
b)  Smart Cities
c)  Pandemic and It’s Impact on Urban Planning
d)  Urban Finance & Governance
e)  Urban – Rural Interface
f)  Public Transport System
g)  Non-Motorized Transport System

Housing is the basic need of a human being but it is interesting to learn how the character of housing changes from place to place. For population with adequate resources allows for low rise low density houses whereas for the core areas of city with extremely high land prices calls for solution towards high rise high density housing. The inter play between population, land availability, land value, infrastructure availability, good connectivity, governance, institutions into action, etc. changes the type of housing. In housing, architects and planners and the planners have a major role to play as they get liberty to use their skill and knowledge to bring out best from a given situation. A good housing gives priority to human needs and also safeguards environment. This conference calls for papers with wide range of focus as given below :

 a)  Building Design and Construction System for Mass Housing
b)  Housing for the Urban Poor
c)  Peri – Urban Development and Rural Housing
d)  Housing Typology & Social Acceptability
e)  Land, Housing and Real Estate
f) Housing Finance and Affordability
g)  Urban Land Policy

Shri K. K. Patel
Vice President, Nirma University

Dr. Anup K. Singh
Director General, Nirma University

Dr. Laurent Lescop
Professor, Nantes’ Superior School of Architecture (ENSA Nantes)

Prof. Utpal Sharma
Director, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof. Matthias Finger
Emeritus Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Prof. Olivier Chamel
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Engineering Technology (SA+ET) , Florida A&M University

Prof. John Kiousopoulos
Director, Development Works & Spatial Planning Division, School of Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece

Prof. David Diamond
Professor, Director of the Master of Architecture program New York Institute of Technology

Dr. Kiran Shinde
Program Convener
Community Planning and Development, La Trobe University, Australia

Ar. Jayesh Hariyani
Chairman & Managing Director, INI Design Studio

Prof. Karl Zankl
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany


Prof. Utpal Sharma
Director, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Dr. R. Parthasarathy
Director, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad

Prof. Olivier Chamel
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Engineering Technology (SA+ET) , Florida A&M University

Prof. John Kiousopoulos

Director, Development Works & Spatial Planning Division University of West Attica, Greece

Dr. Kiran Shinde
Program Convener
Community Planning and Development, La Trobe University, Australia

Dr. Aparna
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Dr. Laurent Lescop
Professor, Nantes’ Superior School of Architecture (ENSA Nantes),France

Dr. Swati Kothary
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof. Aurobindo Ogra
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Johannesburg

Dr. Felipe de Souza Noto
Coordinator Conselho Técnico,
Escola Da Cidade,Brazil

Roy F. Knight
Professor,School of Architecture and Engineering Technology, Florida A&M University

Dr. Mahsan Mohsenin
Assistant Professor,School of Architecture and Engineering Technology, Florida A&M University

Dr.Meeta Goel
Head – Research, INI Design Studio
Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India

Dr.-Ing. Farah Al-Atrash
Head of the Architecture and Interior Architecture Department
School of Architecture and Built Environment, German Jordanian University

Luis Octavio de Faria e Silva
Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Escola da Cidade – São Paulo, Brazil

Mariana Al Assal
Professor, School of Architecture, São Paulo, Brazil

Marta Moreira
Professor, Design Department – School of Architecture, São Paulo, Brazil

Rita Bueno Buoro
Professor, School of Architecture, São Paulo, Brazil


Prof. Utpal Sharma
Director, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Dr. R. Parthasarathy
Director, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad

Prof. Chetan Vaidya
Former Director, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

Prof. Shaleen Singhal
Professor and Dean (Research and Relationships),
TERI School of Advanced Studies

Mr. Paresh Sharma
Former Chief Town Planner, Town Planning and Valuation Dept., Government of Gujarat

Dr.Meeta Goel
Head – Research, INI Design Studio
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Prof. Jitendra Menghani
Associate Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof. Ankit Kumar
Assistant Professor,Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Shweta Suhane
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Prachi Patel
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof. Jitendra Menghani
Associate Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof. Ankit Kumar
Assistant Professor,Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Dr. Aparna
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Dr. Swati Kothary
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Nishant Kansangra
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Shweta Suhane
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Sujan Umaraniya
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Sneha Ramani
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Prof.Prachi Patel
Assistant Professor, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Nisha Dave
Office Superintendent, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Himani Patel
Computer Operator, Institute of Architecture and Planning,
Nirma University

Marta Moreira
Professor, Design Department – School of Architecture, São Paulo, Brazil

Ar. Jayesh Hariyani
Chairman & Managing Director, INI Design Studio

Prof. Giovanni Santamaria, PhD
Department Chairperson,
NYIT, New York.

Prof. Thomas Verebes, PhD
NYIT, New York.

Prof. Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa
Director, MS in Architecture (Computational Technologies),
NYIT, New York.

Call for Abstract and Research Papers:

We are pleased to invite abstract and research paper submissions for the ICFU’ 21 from academicians, scholars and professionals in the field of Architecture, Planning and Design of the Built Environment. High quality research work for all conference themes are invited for ICFU’ 21.

Important Dates :

Due to Extensive requests, we have extended the submission deadline.The revised dates are :

  Call for Abstracts   7th July, 2021 *
  Abstract Submission Deadline   7th August, 2021 *   15 th August, 2021
  Notification of Acceptance / Rejection   20th August, 2021 * 5th September, 2021
  Registration and Submission of Full paper**
  25th August  to 15th October,  2021 *
  24th October, 2021
  Intimation of paper revisions (if any)
  14th November,  2021
  Submission of revised Full paper
  15th November, 2021 * 28th November, 2021
  Submission of Presentation Materials
  30th November, 2021 *
  Conference Dates   16th to 18th December 2021 *

(*) By midnight – 23:59 IST

** Discussion are underway with publishers for Scopus indexed conference proceeding.

Guidelines for Author : Submission of the full length paper and abstract will be done using Easy Chair Software. Authors need to be registered with Easy Chair to make a submission.

Guideline for Abstract Submission on Easy Chair :

  • Abstracts would be acceptable in English language only.
  • Author may submit no more than two abstracts as main author.
  • Abstracts must indicate the theme under which the submissions are being made. Appropriate themes may be selected from the conference themes.
  • Abstracts should only be submitted online.

  • Abstracts should not be more than 300 words.
  • Authors should indicate their submission as paper or poster . The Technical Committee holds rights to decide on final allocation and presentation method.
  • After submitting an abstract, corresponding author will receive an email with an abstract id.
  • Authors will have a personal access and password codes in order to edit their abstracts.
  • Corrections to abstracts can only be made till 15th August, 2021
  • The notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via email by 5th September, 2021.
  • In case of any queries write to

Guidelines for Final Paper Submissions:

  • On acceptance submitted abstract, final paper must be submitted.
  • The Final acceptance for submitted paper shall be shared via email.
  • Length of the final paper should be 5000 words or 4 and max upto 10 pages.
  • Template of the Final Paper is available here.
    1. Paper Template: Click Here
    2. Permission Form: Click Here
    3. Consent Form: Click Here
      • Reference should be cited according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.


All submitted abstracts would undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Selected Papers will be invited for presentation at the conference. The Short paper (Summary) of the selected paper would also undergo a double-blind peer-review process and  shall be published as part of the Conference Proceedings with ISBN number, by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group subject to payment of applicable Registration fee and completion of Conference Registration. Paper presented at the ICFU’21 will undergo a separate referral process for publication in theme-based edited volumes by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

Please Note: All the authors of a particular paper would be required to register for the conference to be eligible for publication in the conference proceedings.




URGENT International Conference on “Future is Urban 2022”

Future is Urban II

Urban Resilience, Capacity Building, Nature Based Solution


Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Authors’ Responsibilities

  • Authorship of the paper:Only individuals who have significantly influenced the idea, planning, implementation, interpretation, and presentation of the reported study should be able to claim authorship
  • Originality of the paper:Original writing, a high academic degree of preparation, and thorough referencing using the required referencing style are required for submission.
  • Data Quality and access:Recognized ethical research methods should have been followed in the collection of any data used. When asked, authors ought to be prepared to grant the editor access to their unprocessed data.
  • Fundamental errors in published works: Authors are required to tell the Conference editor as soon as they become aware of any substantial errors or inaccuracies in their published work. They must also assist the editor in retracting or correcting the material.
  • Communication:If the need arises, the author(s) and editor should maintain regular communication. The URGENT – ICFU-22 Editorial Board retains the final say over publication decisions, and all contributors are expected to respect this.


Reviewers’ Responsibilities

  • Reviewers should : Read the papers carefully and attentively, making an effort to offer constructive criticism.
  • Treat the work under evaluation as confidential, refrain from discussing it with others, and conceal their identity from the writers.
  • Examine completed work within a reasonable time frame.
  • Report any alleged misconduct found in the work.
  • Avoid using any negative phrases when evaluating the papers.
  • Review all papers equally, without partiality or bias.

Editors’ Responsibilities:

Editors will

Give permission for content publication only that meets the highest standards.

Making sure that all full-paper submissions undergo an intensive and impartial peer review process.

Articles with extended abstracts should be clearly marked as not subject to peer review.

Have open communication about the publication and review procedures.

When needed, give the authors advise throughout the submission process.

Editorial Board

First published 2024 by Routledge 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158

ISBN: 978-1-032-78443-4 (pbk)

ISBN: 978-1-003-48789-0 (ebk)

DOI: 10.4324/9781003487890

Editors in Chief

  • Utpal Sharma Dean and Director at the Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University
  • Swati Kothary Assistant Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
  • Vibha Gajjar Associate Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University, Ahmedabad


Category wise Fee particulars for the registration of ICFU 21

1.International Participants
Category Figure in INR
a) Professional from Industry ₹ 7500  (Approx $ 100)
b) Academicians ₹ 7500  (Approx $ 100)
c) PhD Scholar & Students ₹ 4000  (Approx $ 54 )
d) Co-Author Fees ₹ 4000  (Approx $ 54 )
e) Participants(Audience/Listeners) ₹ 2000  (Approx $ 27)
2. National Participants
Category Figure in INR
a) Professional from Industry ₹ 4000
b) Academicians ₹ 4000
c) PhD Scholar & Students ₹ 2000
d) Co-Author Fees ₹ 2000
e) Participants(Audience/Listeners) ₹ 1000

Note : Registration fee is non-refundable.

The indicated registration amount is per paper.
In case there is more than one paper submission by author(s), they are required to make additional payments as per mentioned amount. This holds true for co-authors as well.

* Participants from SAARC countries can register themselves in the category of National Participants for the conference.

Payment Procedure :

1) For payment through NEFT :

Account Name Institute of Architecture and Planning Under Nirma University
Bank Name The Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank Ltd
Branch Name Nirma University, Nirma University Campus, Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Bank Account No 9720180209
IFSC Code KCCB0NRM097 (KCCB Zero NRM Zero Nine seven)
MICR Code 380126029
Account Type Current Account

2) For Payment through Online Registration Link.

Click Here For Online Payment

Only INTERNATIONAL DEBIT/ CREDIT Cards subject to authorisation and clearance from VISA & MASTERCARD are acceptable through payment gateway.

Apart from the registration payment from your end, you are also required to fill in the registration details and upload the transaction receipts.Click here for registration Link


Meeting Link for ICFU’21 Keynote Addresses :

Join from the meeting link


Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2516 843 5472
Meeting password: ICFU



Facebook Live :


Click here for Conference Schedule

For any Queries Please contact :

Prof. Jitendra Menghani
Associate Professor, IAPNU
Ph: +91 98257 80227

Prof. Ankit Kumar
Assistant Professor, IAPNU
Ph: +91 96173 24471

Prof. Sujan Umaraniya
Assistant Professor, IAPNU
Ph: +91 9998446492

Email :

Location :

Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University
C- Block, SG Highway, Ahmedabad – 382421, Gujarat, India

Nirma University is one of India’s leading universities based in Ahmedabad (Gujarat). The University was established in the year 2003 as a Statutory University under a special act passed by the Gujarat State Legislative Assembly. It is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act. The University is duly accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with Grade –A. The University is a member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).

Located in peaceful and sylvan surroundings, about 15 km from Ahmedabad Railway Station, it is also easily accessible from the state capital Gandhinagar. A disciplined, serene and pleasant environment envelops the campus encompassing 125 acres. It blends beautifully with the green landscaping, aesthetic elegance of arches and the vibrant pursuit of knowledge by the young aspirants. The academic ambience gives full scope for group activities, which are plenty, as also to individual pursuits for development on preferred tracks. Over 8000 students study at Nirma University many of whom reside in the hostels located within the university campus. There are over 350 faculty members who are involved in teaching at Nirma University.

Institute of Architecture & Planning (IAPNU) is a self-financed Institute approved by Council of Architecture, New Delhi and Institute of Town Planners, India. The institute offers an undergraduate programme in Architecture and Planning, Bachelor of Planning programme and a Ph.D. programme. IAPNU is a constituent of Nirma University and shares the University campus with six other institutes, all having distinguished records of achievements. Students joining IAPNU therefore have an opportunity to interact with the academic community of all disciplines on campus. Such interaction has a stimulating influence, especially in the formative years, on young students and engages them academically in a vibrant learning environment. This helps students to develop good communication skills, an integrated personality and greater competitive spirit. The dedication and commitment of students and faculty have paid rich dividends and has made IAPNU a preferred destination for Architecture and Planning education. IAPNU aims to impart education and engage in research in fields related to the Built environment and Urban Planning. The B.Arch and B.Plan programme focus on providing education through collaborative teaching and learning processes. The institute provides an intellectual platform and opportunities for young aspirants to interact and learn through ‘learning to build and building to learn’ processes besides interdisciplinary integration with various other programmes of law, management, engineering, design etc.

IAPNU has set up a Centre of Excellence in Smart Cities in collaboration with Gift city and EPFL, Switzerland. The Institute also has several collaborations with universities all over the world for student exchange, joint research, field work, faculty exchange etc.

For more information on IAPNU visit Institute Of Architecture and Planning