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Call for papers: Student Research Journal


The Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University announces an open access, double blind-reviewed student research journal for Architecture and allied disciplines. “SANDARBH (meaning Context) will publish high-quality research papers authored by the PG and UG students and alumni of the institute. Its focus will be primary case study-based, original, innovative and relevant research, conducted by the students of the institute under the supervision of faculty members.

Domains (Indicative, not Exhaustive):

Architectural Design/ Praxis/ History and Theory/ Construction and Technology/ Sociocultural Processes in Built Environment/ Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Design/ Heritage Conservation/ Computational Design and Digital Architecture/ Urban

Design and Planning/ Climate Change, Risk and Disaster Resilience/ Pedagogy and Research/ Others

Important Dates:

Paper submission: 1st March 2025

Author Notification: 15th March 2025

Review Submission: 31st March 2025

Paper Submissions will be accepted on the following email:

Tentative time of Publication: May-July 2025

Points to remember at the time of submission:

    • Student researcher has to be the lead author. A paper could have maximum upto 5 co-authors including the lead author.
    • Full papers must be 5000 words or 12 pages whichever is less. Abstract and keywords to be 250-300 words only.
    • Only MS Word document in the following 2 templates will be accepted with all the images/ illustrations at the end of the paper in sequence and with captions.

Click here to download T1 Title Page Sandarbh
Click here to download T2 Main Document _Sandarbh

    • A maximum of 5 illustrations (only with source citation) will be accepted.
    • Illustrations in 300 dpi jpeg format with captions as file names will be accepted.
    • APA referencing style has to be used. Citations and references must be inserted in MS Word.
    • Similarity index not exceeding 15% (including quotes and excluding bibliography) will be acceptable.

Mentor: Prof (Dr.) Rekha Chandran Jetty (Director, IAPNU)

Editorial team:

Dr. Aparna, Prof. Jitesh Mewada, Prof. Parag Mistry(Faculty, IAPNU)

The submissions should meet the following criteria:

  • 1. Paper based on student research and activities at IAPNU and guided by the faculty members.
  • 2. Availability and willingness of the student/ alumni to work on the coauthored paper.
  • 3. The paper must clearly state the research intent, methodology, and brief analysis of the research.
  • 4. In due course, all authors and co-authors will have to sign the consent forms giving rights to the institute and journal editors to publish their work.
  • 5. All authors and co-authors will sign an undertaking to declare the work (including the text, illustrations, maps, visuals etc.) as original; and permission forms from the original producer of the components of work presented in the paper (if any).
  • 6. The journal articles will undergo double-blind review by identified scholars. For the same, two templates have been shared.
  • 7. Editors reserve the right to reject the papers at any stage if found to violate ethical tenets for research and publication.

In case of any query or support, please contact the editorial team. We look forward to receiving your contributions. Please find attached the templates for Paper Submission.

For any query, please write to:

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